Thursday, January 27, 2011

Third Week!

What are you thankful for in your internship experience?
I am thankful for having a mentor that gave me the chance to interact with the students and to work hands on with them. Also, I am thankful for having this internship experience in over all because if I would have never had the chance to have had this experience, then I would not have taken the teacher field as an option for a career.

Post the highlights from your mentor interview and explain what makes these quotes meaningful to you.
"When I was in High School, I really didn't think that I would be a teacher 'cause both of my parents are teachers and I wanted to do something different than what they did and I wouldn't expect that I would do that."
When my mentor said this I was surprised that she did not want to be a teacher because she did end up being a teacher. This made me think: 'Is she unhappy with her career?', 'Does she enjoy this job even though this wasn't what she going for?'.
"I like that no matter what kind of a day I'm having personally, like if I'm feeling upset about anything, that I can come in here and always laugh and smile at the joy of the children so I just enjoy their optimism and their energy."
This quote was meaningful to me because this made me realize how strong her passion for teaching really is since she did not want to be a teacher in the first place ,that I could actually feel this passion, and that I might not even want to pursue the teaching field but in the end I will end up choosing it.

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