Friday, January 7, 2011

First Week!

What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?
I am excited about being able to interact much more with the students. What I am nervous about is doing my project for internship because I still do not know what I am going to do. I do know that I want to make my project fun,interesting, and knowledgeable. I am wondering about what new experiences I am going to have at my internship.

Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.
At my internship I will be teaching a lesson,helping the teacher and helping students. What I will be doing to help is grading work and helping students with anything they need help on. As a final product I want to look back and expect to have done everything I said I was going to do and also think of my internship as great learning experience.

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