Sunday, January 30, 2011

Photo Essay

This was when our class went to Albertsons as a school field trip. The children learned about the food pyramid and the roles that each food plays in our bodies. Did you know that red fruits or vegetables are good for the heart? Green and yellow for the circulatory system? Orange for the eyes? I didn't! We humans are always learning new things. :D

The students had recently learned about different types of wood and how they're made.They applied what they had learned into science and were able to do this experiment. In the experiment they had to figure out how to make the wood block using only rubber bands and paper clips. They all were able to make the sink the blocks! :O It was impressive to see how they eventually figured that they had to balance the paper clips on the sides of the block all on their own.

These are 100 heart bags that I had to do for all of the kindergarten classes. To do these heart bags I had to cut out 200 hearts and fold them in half so be able to staple it with the another folded heart. Then I had to make handles for the bags. This took me about one day and a half to do. Not fun after a while.. :(

This poster was made for me while I was working downstairs in the main office. The kids took time to write me a Happy Birthday poster for my birthday. It was a pleasant surprise. Sweetest kids ever! <3
"Happy Birthday teacher Stephanie!"

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